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Resumen de IMPACTOS TERRITORIAIS DA INSTALAÇÃO DE PEQUENAS CENTRAIS HIDRELÉTRICAS (PCHS) NO SUDOESTE PARANAENSE/Territorial Impacts of the Installation of the Small Hydroelectric Plants (SHP) Bedim, Jacaré and Vila Galupo in the Southwest Of Paraná

Heloísa Victorino, José Ricardo da Rocha Campos

  • español

    El desarrollo económico brasileño a fines de la década de 1960 provocó que la demanda de energía aumentara la presión sobre los recursos naturales, especialmente los recursos hídricos, para la construcción de centrales hidroeléctricas, que culminaron en proyectos que causaron impactos ambientales significativos. Ante la creciente preocupación por la sostenibilidad del sector eléctrico, se creó la adopción de Pequeñas Centrales Hidroeléctricas (PCH), cuyas reducidas dimensiones contribuirían a una reducción significativa de los impactos sociales y ambientales propios de las Grandes Centrales Hidroeléctricas (UHE). En este trabajo, se seleccionaron las PCHS Bedim, Jacaré y Vila Galupo, construidas sobre el río Santana, subtributario del río Iguazú, y se vectorizó una sección de este curso de agua que contiene las tres PCH a partir de dos imágenes del satélite Sentinel-2, adquiridos el 06/02/2016 y el 20/02/2021, respectivamente antes y después de la instalación de los embalses, resultando en 0,37 km2 de área inundada. Se observó que, a pesar de que la capacidad de generación de energía de las PCH en comparación con las UHE es reducida, su índice de productividad energética fue significativamente mayor (alrededor de 3,5 veces mayor) que la UHE Itaipu Binacional, considerada la más eficiente entre las grandes generadoras. Desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia y de los impactos ambientales, los PCH pueden considerarse una alternativa energética sustentable cuando se trata del área inundada por el embalse.

  • português

    Diante da importância de se considerar os impactos espaciais provocados pela instalação de empreendimentos hidrelétricos, ponderando riscos e viabilidades dessas estruturas, o objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em determinar a área territorial comprometida pela implantação das Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCH) Bedim, Jacaré e Vila Galupo, construídas no Rio Santana, subafluente do Rio Iguaçu, no sudoeste paranaense. Foi realizada a vetorização de um trecho deste curso d’água contendo as três PCHs a partir de duas imagens do satélite Sentinel-2, adquiridas em 06/02/2016 e 20/02/2021, respectivamente antes e após a instalação dos reservatórios, resultando em 0,480 km2 de área inundada. Observou-se que, ainda que a capacidade de geração energética das PCHs em comparação às grandes Usinas Hidrelétricas (UHE) seja reduzida, seu índice de produção energética mostrou-se significativamente superior (cerca de 3,5 vezes maior) à UHE Itaipu Binacional, considerada a mais eficiente entre as grandes geradoras. Sob o ponto de vista de eficiência e impactos ambientais, as PCHs podem ser consideradas uma alternativa energética sustentável quando se trata do aspecto área inundada pelo reservatório.

    Abstract: Given the importance of considering the spatial impacts caused by the installation of hydroelectric projects, considering the risks and viability of these structures, the objective of this work was to determine the territorial area compromised by the implementation of the Bedim, Jacaré and Vila Galupo Small Hydropower Plants (SHP), built in Santana River, a subtributary of the Iguaçu River, in southwest Paraná. The vectorization of a stretch of this watercourse containing the three SHPs was carried out from two images from the Sentinel-2 satellite, acquired on 02/06/2016 and 02/20/2021, respectively before and after the installation of the reservoirs, resulting in 0.480 km2 of flooded area. It was observed that, even though the energy generation capacity of SHPs compared to big Hydroelectric Plants (UHE) is reduced, their energy production index was significantly higher (about 3.5 times higher) than UHE Itaipu Binacional, considered the most efficient among the big generators. From the point of view of efficiency and environmental impacts, SHPs can be considered a sustainable energy alternative when it comes to the area flooded by the reservoir.

  • English

    Given the importance of considering the spatial impacts caused by the installation of hydroelectric projects, considering the risks and viability of these structures, the objective of this work was to determine the territorial area compromised by the implementation of the Bedim, Jacaré and Vila Galupo Small Hydropower Plants (SHP), built in Santana River, a subtributary of the Iguaçu River, in southwest Paraná. The vectorization of a stretch of this watercourse containing the three SHPs was carried out from two images from the Sentinel-2 satellite, acquired on 02/06/2016 and 02/20/2021, respectively before and after the installation of the reservoirs, resulting in 0.480 km2 of flooded area. It was observed that, even though the energy generation capacity of SHPs compared to big Hydroelectric Plants (UHE) is reduced, their energy production index was significantly higher (about 3.5 times higher) than UHE Itaipu Binacional, considered the most efficient among the big generators. From the point of view of efficiency and environmental impacts, SHPs can be considered a sustainable energy alternative when it comes to the area flooded by the reservoir.

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