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Resumen de Middle School Fifth-Grade Students’ Level of Understanding the Concept of Condensation in Different Contexts

Ekrem Cengiz, Faruk Arıcı

  • Evaporation, condensation, and boiling are fundamental concepts taught in science and chemistry classes, closely linked to daily life. These concepts are vital for students to grasp the transformation and conservation of matter, the particulate nature of matter, and related principles. This study evaluated fifth-grade students’ comprehension of condensation across various contexts. The research involved 80 male and 59 female students from a public school in a qualitative phenomenological study. Data analysis utilized the content analysis method. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the students who participated in the research did not understand the concept of condensation sufficiently and could not explain this concept at the desired level in different contexts. Based on the findings, incorporating real-life contexts when teaching the concept of condensation can enhance the understanding of the topic. Moreover, it highlights the significance of an investigative approach to learning new concepts.

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