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Resumen de A investigación no ILG (1971–1990) e a importancia do ALGa na estandarización da lingua galega

Francisco Fernández Rei

  • English

    At the beginning of the 1960s Dámaso Alonso and A. Zamora Vicente complained about modern Galician studies falling behind the times. In this article I will refer, first of all, to achieving the recovery of lost ground over the next two decades through research, mostly in oral Galician, and spreading that work amongst Romance-languages specialists, in which the Galician Language Institute (ILG) of the University of Santiago de Compostela played a fundamental role during the time of its originator and first director Constantino García (1971–1990). After some notes on the emerging questione della lingua galega with the publication of the Galician norms by the Royal Galician Academy (RAG) and the manual Gallego 1 by the ILG at the beginning of the 1970s, I will focus on the attempt to resolve this issue with the conciliatory Bases prá unificación das normas lingüísticas do galego (1977), for which the unpublished material of the Atlas Lingüístico Galego was taken into account in both morphological and some of the lexical proposals, which were the foundation of the current Galician standards drawn up by the ILG and the RAG in 1982.

  • galego

    A comezos da década de 1960 Dámaso Alonso e A. Zamora Vicente queixábanse do considerable atraso nos estudos do galego moderno. Neste artigo referireime, en primeiro lugar, á superación dese atraso con investigacións, sobre todo, do galego oral, e coa súa difusión entre os romanistas, en que tivo un papel fundamental o Instituto da Lingua Galega (ILG) da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, na xeira do seu ideador e primeiro director Constantino García (1971–1990). Despois dunhas notas sobre a incipiente questione della lingua galega, coa publicación a comezos da década de 1970 das normas da Real Academia Galega (RAG) e do manual Gallego 1 do ILG, centrareime no intento de salvar esa questione co texto conciliador Bases prá unificación das normas lingüísticas do galego (1977) para o que se tivo en conta o material inédito do Atlas Lingüístico Galego nas propostas morfolóxicas e nalgunhas propostas léxicas, que foron o alicerce da normativa vixente elaborada no 1982 polo ILG e a RAG.

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