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Resumen de Revisiting Cosa (Ansedonia, Italy): contributions of SAR-X images from the PAZ satellite to non-invasive archaeological prospecting

José Ignacio Fiz Fernández, Pere M. Martín Serrano, Maria Mercè Grau Salvat, Antoni Cartes Reverté

  • español

    Este artículo muestra algunos resultados arqueológicos generados a partir del uso de imágenes SAR-X obtenidas a través del satélite PAZ y aplicadas a una parte de lo que se denominó ager cosanus, es decir, el territorio de la ciudad de Cosa, que fue una de las primeras colonias marítimas de Roma en el corazón del territorio etrusco. Nuestro estudio se ha realizado principalmente a partir de trabajos previos en los que hemos utilizado un conjunto de fotografías para mejorar la calidad de la imagen resultante, reduciendo el ruido provocado por el moteado de las imágenes de radar y manteniendo la calidad de la resolución espacial que se puede obtener de las mismas (1.25 m/píxel). En concreto, se ha trabajado con un conjunto de imágenes obtenidas entre 2019 y 2021. El estudio se ha completado con el análisis de imágenes multiespectrales TripleSAT y Sentinel-2A, las fotos aéreas históricas tomadas a partir de 1944 y 1954, y la utilización del catastro histórico de la Toscana, elaborado a principios del siglo XIX. De forma complementaria, se ha trabajado con el Modelo Digital del Terreno (MDT) LiDAR de la Región de Toscana, sobre el que se han aplicado diversas funciones del programa Relief Visualization Tool (RVT), complementando o contrastando resultados. Podemos confirmar que el tratamiento multitemporal de las imágenes SAR PAZ proporciona mejores resultados que un análisis individualizado de la imagen. Por último, resulta de gran interés el comprobar cómo la utilización de imágenes PAZ y Sentinel-2A permiten la revisión de resultados de estudios anteriores, en los que sólo era posible recurrir a la prospección sobre el terreno y a la fotografía aérea analógica en blanco y negro, como en el caso que aquí se presenta, donde se analiza una de las estructuras de parcelario romano, la Sinistra Decumano I (SDI) del ager cosanus, localizada y publicada por Castagnoli en 1993.

  • English


    Some archaeological results obtained using SAR-X images received through the PAZ satellite and applied to a part of what was called Ager Cosanus are shown in this article.

    The study has been completed with the analysis of multispectral images TripleSAT and Sentinel-2A and the historical aerial photos from 1944 and 1954.

    The possibilities of using PAZ images treated multi-temporally as a high-resolution panchromatic image applicable to multispectral optical images of the type Sentinel-2 were tested.


    Some archaeological results are shown in this article, which have been generated from the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)-X images obtained from the PAZ satellite and applied to part of what was called Ager Cosanus, that is, the territory of the city of Cosa, which was one of the first maritime colonies of Rome in the heart of Etruscan territory. Our study has been carried out mainly based on previous works in which a set of images was used to improve the quality of the resulting image, reducing the noise caused by the speckle of the radar images and maintaining the quality of the spatial resolution that can be obtained from these images (1.25 m/pixel). More specifically, a set of images obtained between 2019 and 2021 was used. The study has been completed with the analysis of multispectral images TripleSAT and Sentinel-2A, the historical aerial photos taken from 1944 and 1954, and the use of the historical cadastre of Tuscany, prepared at the beginning of the 19th century. As an addition, the Digital Terrain Model (DTM) Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) of the Region of Tuscany was used, on which various functions of the Relief Visualization Tool (RVT) programme have been applied, complementing or contrasting the results. It can be confirmed that the multi-temporal treatment of SAR PAZ images provides better results than an individualised analysis of the image. Finally, it is of great interest to verify the results of studies using new technologies, where it was previously possible to resort only to prospecting on the ground and to analogical aerial photography in black and white. In this case, the Sinistra Decumano I (SDI) structure was seen, which Castagnoli observed in the aerial photography, but of which he only located materials on the ground and it was visualised both in individualised PAZ images and in Sentinel-2.

Fundación Dialnet

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