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Resumen de The Teaching of Surfaces, Between Geometry and Stereotomy

Andrea Giordano, Rachele Angela Bernardello, Cosimo Monteleone, Paolo Borin

  • ‘Insisting’ for an educational framework tailored to architects and engineers that incorporates the configurative dimension of spaces underscores the significance of studying and comprehending surfaces from geometric and structural perspectives. Within our specific field of expertise, namely Representation and Drawing, instruction assumes a pivotal role not only in transmitting and preserving architectural/engineering knowledge but also as the foundational element fostering inventiveness and creativity. In this context, a proposed teaching methodology aims, on one hand, to strategically integrate various values—encompassing not only aesthetic considerations but also functional, technical, constructive, managerial aspects, among others—manifested in the cohesive ‘continuum’ of a constructed entity. On the other hand, this methodology seeks to render the creative potential of an architectural/engineering creation conceivable, guiding it towards its utmost completeness while accentuating its inherent continuity. Consequently, it emphasizes the uninterrupted flow of thought and configurations essential for crafting spaces, involving metric properties, relational dynamics, and structural considerations mediated by Geometry. Hence, the configurative and generative attributes of Geometry serve as catalysts for invention, fostering a continuous interplay between rational thought and poetic expression.

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