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Resumen de Treinta años de la producción audiovisual en la región andaluza. Un análisis desde la Estructura Política de la Comunicación

Nuria Sánchez-Gey Valenzuela, Gloria Jiménez-Marín, Ramón Reig-García

  • español

    Canal Sur Televisión fue el primer canal autonómico en una zona donde la idiosincrasia y dificultades fundamentales del ente público eran la diversidad y el tamaño de Andalucía, lo que hacía indispensable un solo medio de comunicación para vertebrar el territorio. Sin embargo, en 2019 cumplía 30 años. El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una aproximación a la estructura de la producción audiovisual en Andalucía, utilizando como metodología el enfoque estructural. Los resultados apuntan a que CSTV ha cumplido con la obligación recogida en su normativa de fomentar el desarrollo del tejido audiovisual y el de las productoras vinculadas.

  • English

    For the last thirty years, Radio Televisión Andaluza has been the only audio-visual media with a regional Andalusian entity, positioning itself, since its creation, as a benchmark. In addition to the public broadcaster, in 2018 another Andalusian broadcaster was created, in this case, a private one, 7TV Andalucía. In any case, both initiatives were aimed at structuring Andalusia as an autonomous community. The launch of RTVA in 1987 was the germ of an audio-visual industry in Andalusia that had hitherto been almost non-existent. In this sense, RTVA meant the birth of this business fabric with the creation of 5,000 direct jobs and a turnover of some 240,000 euros per year in 1997, only 10 years after its start-up.

    To this must be added the constant criticism from the point of view of economic profitability. Although Canal Sur Televisión’s audience figures are not very high, in addition, in the last 30 years there has been a large increase in the number of private television channels, coupled with the debate on the need for such a number, especially at the public level, given the existence of a private offer. Coupled with this is the increase in online television consumption through digital platforms, which draws audiences away from traditional television.

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