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Resumen de Mesotelioma Peritoneal Multikistiko Onberaren Berrikusketa eta Kasu Aurkezpena

Garazi Astiazaran Aleman

  • English

    Benign Multicystic Peritoneal Mesothelioma (BMPM) is a very infrequent pathology that mainly appears in women of reproductive age and has a good prognosis. Unlike malignant mesotheliomas, it is not associated with asbestos and its etiopathogenesis is still unclear. Although there have been many attempts of several types of treatment, there is currently no treatment of choice.

    A 31-year-old woman with BMPM was recently treated at the University Hospital of Donostia. The diagnosis was made by histopathological examination of biopsies of the lesion and for management, cytoreductive surgery and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) were decided. In the CT performed three months later, a relapse was seen and due to the findings of the surgery performed to treat it, the curative intent had to be abandoned and it was decided to follow up. To date, the patient remains asymptomatic.

    The purpose of this paper is to compile the information published to date on this unusual pathology, in order to help in the diagnosis and treatment decision in clinical practice. To help with this, the particularities of the case at HUD will be presented.

  • euskara

    Mesotelioma Peritoneal Multikistiko Onbera (MPMO) oso patologia ezohikoa da, batez ere ugalkortasun-aroko emakumeetan agertzen dena eta pronostiko ona duena. Mesotelioma gaiztoa ez bezala, ez da asbestoarekin erlazionatzen, baina haren etiopatogenia ez dago argi oraindik. Zenbait tratamendu mota probatu izan badira ere, gaur egun ez dago aukerako tratamendurik.

    Donostia Unibertsitate Ospitalean (DUOn) MPMO duen 31 urteko emakume bat artatu zen duela gutxi. Diagnostikoa lesioaren biopsien azterketa anatomopatologikoaren bidez egin zen eta pazientea zitorredukzio-kirurgia eta kimioterapia intraperitoneal hipertermiko (HIPEC) bidez tratatu zen. Hiru hilera egindako OTan birgaixotze bat ikusi zen eta tratatzeko egindako ebakuntzako aurkikuntzengatik, asmo terapeutikoa alde batera utzi eta jarraipena egitea erabaki zen. Gaur egun pazienteak ez du sintomarik.

    Lan honen xedea patologia ezohiko honi buruz gaur arte argitaratutako informazioa biltzea da, praktika klinikoan diagnostiko eta tratamendurako erabakian laguntzeko. Horretan laguntzeko DUOn izandako kasuaren berezitasunak azaldu dira.

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