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Resumen de Transreligiosidad y mujeres en Canarias: Conexiones entre África, Europa y América desde la Edad Moderna hasta hoy

Grecy Pérez Amores, Claudia Stella Valeria Geremia

  • This paper explores the intricate interplay between belief systems,spirituality, and religiosity in the Canary Islands, tracing theirevolution from the early modern era to contemporary times. Weexamine how individuals construct their belief networks, througha glocal and transnational lens, we investigate the impact ofmovements, reterritorializations, syncretism, and transculturationon these belief systems, emphasizing their relevance in today’spluralistic religious landscape in Canary Islands.Through archival analysis and field interviews, we explore theactive role of diverse community cosmologies in shaping a pluralspirituality. Our investigation reveals a delicate boundary betweenthe religious, spiritual, and therapeutic realms, traversed bythe creativity of belief practitioners. We challenge stereotypicalinterpretations of healing practices and advocate for ethnographicnarratives that embrace the diversity of contemporary religiosity.Ultimately, our study underscores the continued relevance ofthese belief systems in shaping social dynamics, urging a nuancedunderstanding that considers factors such as ethnicity, gender,and legitimacy.

Fundación Dialnet

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