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Resumen de ELIMU. Supplying water and electricity to a primary school in Kenia using solar energy: Joint social project between the University of Las Palma de Gran Canaria and the University of Nairobi

Ana María Blanco Marigorta, Ana Díaz Hernández, Cristina García Moreno, Paula Mellín Yanez Zambrano, Noemi Melián Martel

  • The University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), through the Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales y Civiles (EIIC), has carried out a cooperation project in Kenya for the self-supply of energy and water for an primary school. The initiative, which has been carried out with the collaboration of the University of Nairobi, has counted with the involvement of faculty members and students of the ULPGC, for the installation of photovoltaic panels for self- consumption of the Timboni primary school, in the district of Kilifi.

    In this document a description of sustainable energy initiatives and facility improvements implemented at the school is present- ed. This project constitutes an outstanding contribution to the promotion of sustainability and the improvement of conditions for learning and working in this educational institution.

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