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Resumen de Educapáo para a morte uma trajetoria pedagogica

Maria Luisa Brandi, Maria Renata Gentil Bellizzi, Magali Roseira Boemer

  • English

    A literature review has permitted to observe that the recommendation to edúcate for death is part of the discourse ofauthors such as Boemer (3), Kovacs (18), Torres (27) and in that sense there are initiatives which are attempting to makepossible to prepare subjects aiming situations involving death. Our inquietude in relation to the theme led us to a pedagogical proposal for the participants of the Nursing Auxiliary Course aiming to contémplate aneducation conceming death according to the phenomenological referential particularly the Heideggerian thought. According to Critelli (13), to think about education according to Heidegger demands a preoccupation with educationitself not engaging ourselves exclusively in the elaboration of teaching techniques. The phenomenon education meets its possiblity of realization in the relationship man-man, where we find man-with-other-men in a special manner. It is in this to-be-with-the-others that education finds its opportunity of realization. Our pedagogical proposal was directed to the participants of the Nursing Auxiliary Course, annexed to the hospital where they work as nursing attendants. Such pedagogical action pemeated the course in six different academic moments, that is, moments in which death faced those students and, consideringthis, the students were given texts to read pertinent to life situations potentially found during the training periods. After the reading, the texts were discussed with our participation. In the sixth and last academic moment of this contact we asked the students to write an individual testimony conceming the meaning of this proposal of education for death according to their view. All six academic moments approaching the theme were permeated by questioning and severa! reports of personal experiences burdened by difficuties in dealing with death. The discussions necessarily went through the issue related to assistance which involves all people who take care of the sick. It was shown that the referential of education which guided the pedagogical action was pertinent to the nature of the theme. It was possible for the authors to protect what appearedessential: the direction of the students to other dimensión of viewing, understanding and interacting in daily work situations in which death is present. With this is mind, it was necessary to create in each encounter an invisible and infinite life experience space.

  • português

    A revisáo da literatura permitiu observar que a recomendapáo de estar educando para a morte vem fazendo parte do discurso de autores como Boemer (3), Kovacs (18), Torres (27), e nesse sentido, há iniciativas que tém procurado possibilitaralgum preparo aos educandos no sentido de intervir em situapóes que envolvem a morte. A nossa inquietapáo em relapáoao tema nos levou a urna proposta pedagógica para alunos do curso de Auxiliar de Enfermagem, na qual procuramoscontemplar urna educapáo para a morte segundo o referencial fenomenológico particularmente no pensamento heideggeriano. Segundo Critelli (13), pensar a educapáo a partir de Heidegger exige de nós urna preocupapáo com aeducapáo mesma e nao em nos engajarmos num apenas construir técnicas de ensino. O fenómeno educapao encontra suapossibilidade de realizapao na relapao homem-homem, o lugar onde enxergamos o homem-sendo-com-os-outros-homensde urna maneira especial. E nestes sermos-uns-com-os-outros que a educapao encontra sua oportunidade de realizapao. Anossa proposta pedagógica, foi dirigida a urna turma de alunos do Curso de Auxiliar de Enfermagem, constituida poreducandos que sao atendentes de Enfermagem do hospital ao qual o curso é anexo. Tal apao pedagógica permeou o cursoem seis diferentes momentos académicos, ou seja, momentos em que a morte se mostrava a esses alunos e, considerandoesse mostrar-se, os educandos recebiam textos para leitura pertinentes as situapóes vi vencíais potencialmente encontradas nos estágios. As leituras dos textos seguiram-se discussóes com nossa presenpa. Num sexto e último momento académico deste convivio solicitamos que os alunos redigissem um depoimento individual a respeito do significado dessa proposta de educapáo para a morte aos seus olhos. Todos os seis momentos académicos de abordagem do tema foram permeados por muitos questionamentos e relatos de experiencias pessoais dos educandos revestidas de dificuldades no lidar com a morte. As discussóes passaram necessariamente pela questáo da assisténcia e que envolvem todas as pessoas que cuidam do doente. O referencial de educapáo que norteou a apáo pedagógica mostrou-se pertinente á natureza do tema. Foi possível aos autores resguardar aquilo que se Ihes mostrava essencial: a condupáo dos educandos para outras dimensóes de seu ver, entender e interagir ñas situapóes de seu cotidiano de trabalho ñas quais a morte se faz presente. Para tanto foi necessário criar em cada encontró um invisível e infinito espapo vivencial.

Fundación Dialnet

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