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Resumen de Un híbrido natural de Hydrocotyle (Umbelliferae)

Rafael Lucas Rodríguez S

  • español

    Se describe Hydrocotyle X nubigena Rodríguez, hyb. nov., como hí­brido natural de H. mexicana Cham. & Schlecht. X H. pusilla A. Rich., reco­gido en cinco localidades de la región central de Costa Rica donde ambas espe­cies progenitoras se reúnen en un ambiente con neblina y lloviznas abundantes, y cuyos caracteres son intermedios entre dichas especies.

  • English

    Hydrocotyle X nubibigena Rodríguez, hyb. nov. is described as a natural hybrid of H . mexicana Cham. & Schlecht. X H. pusilla A . Rich, collected in five sites of the central highlands of Costa Rica where the altitude and the NE oricntation of the slope cause abundant fog, drizzles and rain throughout most of the year, and where the parental species, one occurring usually in forest floor, in the shade of roadside tangles or second growth vegetation, or on very humid pastures, the other in open pastures, stream banks or along trails, are brought together by the dimate, human disturbance of the environment, or both. The new taxon is intermediate between the presumed parent species in size, stem thickness and texture, internode length, petiole length, shape of the lamina, peltate character of one and basal sinus of the other, vesture of both leaf sur­ faces, tuft over base of lamina, size of lamina, peduncle length, peduncle/petiole ratio, number of flowers in umbel, petal color, ovary color, and fruit.

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