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Resumen de Additional records of Gnathostomes in North American hosts

Bert B. Babero, Jacqueline R. Shepperson, Teofila C. Sicay

  • español

    Se anota en este trabajo la presencia de Gnathostomtl spp. en animales co­leccionados en varias localidades de Georgia, E.U.A. Los nemátodos fueron en­ contrados, en número de cuatro a once por hospedero, en 22 mapaches (estóma­go), 14 zarigüeyas (estómago e hígado), 2 mofetas (estómago) y 1 serpiente (forma larvaria en el peritoneo parietal). Se hace notar la patogenicidad de los gnatostómidos en el mapache y la necesidad de investigar su posible efecto sobre la población de mamíferos en Norte América. Los autores dudan de la validez de algunas especies descritas de esta región, que no parecen distinguirse satisfacto­riamente de G. spinigerum.

  • English

    Since the original description of the nematode genus Gnathostoma Owen, 1836 which was based upon material collected from a stomach nodule of a tiger that died after being imported into the London Zoological Garden, the endemic occurrence of members of the group has been observed principally in southern Asia, Africa, Philippines, Australia, China, and Japan. Species of the genus, either as larva or adult, parasitize a variety of hosts, including arthropods, fishes, amphi­bia, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Of the latter, such carnivores as Felidae, Canidae, and Mustelidae most often have been reported infected, although infre­quent reports of infections in cattle, pigs, rodents, and man have appeared in the literature.

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