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Resumen de Visualizing constructive alignment in the process of course design

Marc Laperrouza, Jacques Lanares, Emmanuel Sylvestre

  • Course design in higher education is often approached in a very linear and text-based manner. The paper presents a visual tool in the form of a canvas aimed at accompanying teachers in the design of courses. The canvas can be used in an individual or co-teaching setting. It can be applied either during the conception phase of a new course or to revisit and reflect an existing course.

    The visual dimension departs from the usual text-based format and ambitions to offer a practical and intuitive approach. It aims at engaging teachers to adopt a prototyping approach in the design of courses. It builds on the various visual modeling tools offered in the fields of business and strategy.

    The proposed canvas is part of a broader project accompanying higher education teachers in the clarification of their pedagogical intent, in ensuring constructive alignment and in the adoption of a reflexive posture on their teaching experiences.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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