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Resumen de Una lluvia de dudas

Marta Romero

  • español

    La Semana Santa de Cádiz de 2024 pasará a la historia por su singularidad. El mal tiempo, en todas sus expresiones, se manifestó durante todos los días. Hubo fuertes vientos, lluvia de arena, intensos chubascos y frío. La primavera brilló por su ausencia y, pese a todo, algunas cofradías desafiaron a las inclemencias y salieron a la calle, con o sin sus titulares. Acortaron itinerarios, apresuraron el paso, o bien tuvieron que permanecer en la Catedral… y siempre para evitar la lluvia. Al final, fuimos testigos de una Semana Sana muy particular, repletas de incidentes climáticos que la deslucieron, además de no recordarse una en la que todos los días lloviera. Se tuvieron que tomar decisiones para salvaguardar el patrimonio humano y cultural de las hermandades. Una experiencia que costó asumir.

  • English

    Easter Week in Cadiz in 2024 will go down in history for its uniqueness. The bad weather, in all its expressions, manifested itself during every day. There were strong winds, sand showers, heavy showers and cold. Spring was conspicuous by its absence and, in spite of everything, some brotherhoods defied the inclemency and went out into the streets, with or without their titular saints. They shortened their itineraries, hurried their processions, or had to remain in the Cathedral... and always to avoid the rain. In the end, we witnessed a very particular Semana Sana, full of weather incidents that marred it, as well as not remembering a week in which it rained every day. Decisions had to be taken to safeguard the human and cultural heritage of the brotherhoods. An experience that was hard to take on board.

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