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Resumen de Arquivos de realidade: filosofía, crítica e arquivo

Manuel Torres Cubeiro

  • galego

    A filosofía e o arquivo encóntranse emparentadas dende a súa orixe. Este artigo constrúese sobre catro eixos argumentais nunha achega crítica a esa relación. Un primeiro eixo parte dos catro pasos nos que un documento é primeiro (1) creado, logo (2) identificado como de interese para un arquivo, despois (3) incorporado á colección para custodialo, e finalmente se dá (4) acceso ao mesmo. Un segundo eixo superposto a estes catro pasos son os cambios na longa duración histórica das sociedades europeas: primeiro as sociedades da Grecia clásica onde a escritura aparece; segundo a revolución burguesa europea coa aparición da imprenta;

    terceiro a revolución capitalista coa emerxencia da arquivística como ciencia e finalmente a sociedade globalizada coa dixitalización. As conversas en tres arquivos galegos serven como o cuarto eixo desta achega.

  • English

    Philosophy and the Archive have been related since their origins. This article builds on four argumentative pillars used to construct a critical reflexion on this very relation. The first pillar lays on the four steps that a document follows to become part of an archive: first (1) the document is created, then, it is (2) identified somehow as object of interest to an archive;

    afterwards (3), it is incorporated to the collection to guard it; and finally, the audience or public of the archive is granted (4) access to the document. A second collum of this articles is double. Double because it superimposes itself two pillars to these signed four steps, first the historical evolution of the European societies with, secondly, four technological revolutions:

    primary, the societies of classical Greece when writing appears, generalized and created the conditions both for the existence of archives and the conservation of philosophical thoughts;

    second, the European bourgeois revolution with the technology associated with printing;

    third, the capitalist revolution with the emergency of the archivistic as a science; and finally, the global society which digitalization bought us in our days. The fourth pillar of this articles lays on the conversations within three Galician archives.

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