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Resumen de Are young people really concerned about climate change?: evidence from Italy

Ariela Mortara, Rosantonietta Scramaglia

  • This paper presents specific findings from a comprehensive research project designed to explore the repercussions of a climate of uncertainty on Italian consumers, focusing on the realms of environment, technology, and consumption. Through a snowball sampling approach, a total of 12,050 self-completed questionnaires were gathered in November 2022. The non-probabilistic sample, while representing all age groups, is skewed towards the younger population.

    In particular, our emphasis will be on the consumption patterns and daily habits related to sustainability among young respondents. Our findings highlight that while certain practices such as recycling and using glass or water bottles are widely adopted, more involving and demanding behaviours, such as purchasing local or organic food, prioritizing fair trade products, or steering clear of fast fashion retailers, are less prevalent, particularly among the younger generations. Furthermore, our results highlight how, contrary to what is reported by various studies, it is the older generations that are more willing to adopt sustainable behaviours.

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