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Resumen de Germinación de semillas de Caesalpinia paraguariensis (Fabaceae): agentes escarificadores y efecto del ganado

Pablo Ortega-Baes, Marta L. de Viana, Giovanna Larenas, María Saravia

  • español

    La germinación del árbol Caesalpinia paraguariensis se analizó mediante escrificación química, mecánica y biológica. El paso por el tubo digestivo de animales no mejora la tasa de germinación, pues la acción mecánica de la dura cubierta de estas semillas es un requisito de germinación.

  • English

    The tree Caesalpinia paraguariensis grows in the Chaco region, Argentina. Fruits are indehiscent with many seeds. This species is an important source of wood and the fruits are consumed by cattle in Salta province. We studied seed germination under chemical, mechanical and biological scarification. Seeds from controls (without scarification) and those with biological scarification had a smaller (and similar) germination rate. The non-germinated seeds from biological treatments were mechanically scarified and their germination rate was similar to others under the mechanical treatment. Passage by digestive tracts would not enhance germination because viable seeds are still dormant due to their hard coats.

Fundación Dialnet

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