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Resumen de Coccidias aviares de gallineros industriales de Chile

Héctor Alcaíno Contador, Juan Pablo González, Fernando Fredes, Texia Gorman

  • With the purpose of identifying the coccidia species in poultry farms of Chile, 51 fecal samples (of 50 chickens each)were collected. Through flotation coprological examination of 10% of samples, oocysts of Eimeria maxima were identified. The remaining portion of the samples, was suspended in a 2.5% potassium bichromate solution, to allow the sporulation of oocysts which were then suspended in tap water and administered to 6 chickens 21 days old free of coccidia infection through a gastroesophagic tube. The identification of Eimeria species was done through measurement of the prepatent period, size of squizonts and type and locations of the intestinal lesions produced. Seven Eimeria species were found with the next frequency: E. maxima 48 %, E. praecox 62%, E. mitis 68%, E. tenella 14%, E. necatrix 14%, E. mivati 8% and E. acervulina 48%. E. brunetti and E. hagani were not detected. Mixed infections were the most frequent finding, being very common to detect the presence of 4 species simultaneously.

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