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Resumen de Osteology and Myology of the Cephalic Region and Pectoral Girdle of Heptapterus mustelinus, Comparison With Other Heptapterins, and Discussion on the Synapomorphies and Phylogenetic Relationships of the Heptapterinae and the Pimelodidae (Teleostei: Siluriformes)

Rui Diogo

  • español

    Las estructuras de la región cefálica y de la cintura pectoral de Heptapterus mustelinus ('Nemuroglanis clade') son descritas y comparadas con las de dos representantes de un grupo más plesiomórfico, Goeldiella eques y Rhamdia guatemalensis ('basal clade'), así como las de otros peces gato, como fundamento para la discusión de las relaciones filogenéticas y de las sinapomorfías de los Heptapterinae. Además, de las cinco sinapomorfías referidas comúnmente en la literatura, este estudio advierte una otra sinapomorfía de Heptapterinae: la bien desarrollada maxila formando un tubo completamente cerrado para la base del bigote maxilar. Las subfamilias Pimelodinae, Heptapterinae y Pseudopimelodinae parecen formar un grupo natural

  • English

    The cephalic and pectoral girdle structures of the heptapterin Hepapterus mustelinus (Nemuroglanis clade') are described and compared to those of two representatives of the other, more plesiomorphic, main heptapterin group, namely Goeldiella eques and Rhamdia guatemalensis ('basal clade'), as well as of several other catfishes, as the foundation for a discussion on the synapomorphies and phylogenetic relationships of the Heptapterinae. In addition to the five synapomorphies commonly referred in the literature, there is another potential Heptapterinae synapomorphy: the well-developed maxilla forming a completely closed, deep tube to enclose the base of the maxillary barbel. The subfamilies Pimelodinae, Heptapterinae and Pseudopimeodinae seem to form a monophyletic assemblage, thus contradicting the commonly accepted idea that the family Pimelodidae is not a natural group

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