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O epistolario Francisco Fernández del Riego - Luis Seoane: diálogo entre o exilio interior e o exilio exterior (coa "pantasma do comunismo" aló no fondo)

    1. [1] Real Academia Galega
  • Localización: Boletín da Real Academia Galega, ISSN 1576-8767, Nº. 384, 2023 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Francisco Fernández del Riego), págs. 281-320
  • Idioma: gallego
  • Títulos paralelos:
    • The Francisco Fernández del Riego - Luis Seoane correspondence: dialogue between internal exile and external exile (with the "ghost of communism" in the background)
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • galego

      A análise do epistolario cruzado entre Luis Seoane e Francisco Fernández del Riego permite abordar feitos relevantes para esclarecer as relacións entre os galeguistas de aquén e de alén mar. O presente estudo céntrase en dous deles moi presentes nas cartas escritas entre 1955 e 1960: o Primeiro Congreso da Emigración Galega (xullo de 1956) e as viaxes de Antonio Baltar a Galicia a finais de 1956 e comezos de 1957. As cartas de Seoane dirixidas a Del Riego son moi críticas co Congreso organizado polo grupo galeguista de Buenos Aires co que a fratria de Galaxia tiña boa relación. Esta estivo de acordo desde o principio coa idea e coa realización deste Congreso, vencellada como estaba cos membros do Consello de Galiza polo seu “anticomunismo”.

      O segundo episodio sucede a fins de 1956, cando Antonio Baltar viaxa a Galicia co obxectivo esencial de dialogar coa xente preocupada, desde as premisas non franquistas, pola cultura do país. Nesa primeira visita, Antonio Baltar entrevístase con Del Riego. Cinco meses despois, volve coa intención de reunirse cos homes de Galaxia. Seoane recolle nas súas cartas o malestar provocado pola falta de atención que recibiu Antonio Baltar, críticas que suscitaron unhas duras páxinas de Ramón Piñeiro.

      Nunha terceira parte deste traballo, faise un percorrido polo epistolario para recoller noticias sobre os seis libros “americanos” de Francisco Fernández del Riego, algún deles aínda inédito.

    • English

      The analysis of the correspondence between Luis Seoane and Francisco Fernández del Riego enables relevant facts to be addressed in order to clarify the relations between Galicians at home and abroad. This study focuses on two subjects that were highly prominent in the letters written between 1955 and 1960: the First Galician Emigration Conference (July 1956) and the journeys undertaken by Antonio Baltar to Galicia at the end of 1956 and beginning of 1957. In this series, Seoane’s letters addressed to Del Riego are highly critical of the conference organised by the Galicianist group in Buenos Aires with which the Galaxia phratry enjoyed good relations. Galaxia supported the idea and organisation of this conference from the beginning, in spite of its links with the members of the Council of Galicia due to its “anti-communism”.

      The second series of letters were sent at the end of 1956, when Antonio Baltar travelled to Galicia with the key objective of talking to the people who had expressed concern, on non-Francoist premises, about the country’s culture. On that first visit, Antonio Baltar discussed the matter with Del Riego. Five months later, he returned with the intention of meeting the members of Galaxia. Seoane refers in his letters to the discontent caused by the lack of attention received by Antonio Baltar, criticisms which were met with a harsh response from Ramón Piñeiro.

      In a third part of this study, this correspondence is analysed in order to glean information about the six “American” books of Francisco Fernández del Riego, one of which remains unpublished.

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