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Resumen de Alarma lingüística no Val de Miñor

  • galego

    Preséntanse as tres recollidas de 1985, 1997 e 2009 dunha enquisa escolar sobre o tratamento e comunicación familiar e o uso das linguas galega e castelá no ámbito familiar entre os alumnos do primeiro ano de instituto (de catorce ou quince anos) matriculados nos centros do Val Miñor. Analízase a evolución do bilingüismo nestes vinte e catro anos

  • English

    Presentation of the data collected along three school surveys about communication inside the family and the use of the Galician and Spanish languages. It was carried out among students in the first years of secondary compulsory education (fourteen-fifteen years olds) who take their studies in educational centres in Val Miñor. The results offer an analysis of how bilingualism develops at this stage

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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