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Resumen de Valoración de trabajos clásicos en la historia de la genética

Ricardo Cruz Coke M

  • The classical Mendelian genetics forged the development of biomedical sciences in the twentieth century. However, the classical works that allowed the sequencing of human genoma, have not received the recognition that they deserve. The author does a historical revision of works, considered classic in genetics and its specialties such as cytogenetics, biochemical genetics, immunogenetics and molecular genetics, published between 1990 and 1999. Authors that received the Nobel Prize are identified and the works are sorted in chronological order. Most founders of genetics specialties, have not received the Nobel Prize. Only 26 of 80 classical works have been awarded with such distinction. Almost all founders of Mendelian genetics and human cytogenetics, have been unrewarded. The author proposes to create the "Johan Gregory Mendel Prize" for geneticists (Rev Méd Chile 2003; 131: 220-4)

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