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Resumen de Effects of discriminative control and of emitting behavior different on self-controlled behavior

B. E. Ortega, R. Ávila

  • español

    Se evaluaron los efectos de facilitar la emisión de una conducta diferente de tomar una recompensa disponible, así como la discriminabilidad y ubicación espacial del cambio de estímulo sobre la conducta autocontrolada. Se presentó un dispensador de alimento durante 4 segundos dentro de un ciclo de tiempo repetitivo (ER1), y se volvió a presentar al finalizar el ciclo (ER2). Si la paloma no se acercaba al ER1, entonces podía comer de ER2. Sin embargo, si la paloma se acercaba al ER1, el dispensador de alimento se retiraba inmediatamente, y se cancelaba la presentación del ER2. En el Experimento 1, se probaron los efectos de agregar un operando (e.g., la iluminación de una tecla de respuesta) para emitir una conducta diferente a acercarse al dispensador de alimento sobre la conducta autocontrolada; en el Experimento 2, se manipuló la presentación de un estímulo discriminativo para no aproximarse al ER1 así como su ubicación espacial. El número de interrupciones al ER1 y el número de presentaciones del operando-agregado con al menos un picotazo varió intra y entre sujetos en el Experimento 1. Incrementar la discriminabilidad del estímulo y su ubicación espacial (Experimento 2) resultó en un número bajo de interrupciones al ER1. La efectividad de agregar un operando para hacer cualquier otra cosa excepto tomar ER1 o presentar un estímulo discriminativo para facilitar la ocurrencia de la conducta autocontrolada (es decir, no aproximarse al dispensador de alimento) dependió de su ubicación espacial y su discriminabilidad.

  • English

    The effects of facilitating the emission of behavior different from taking an available reward, as well as the discriminability and spatial location of a stimulus change on self-controlled behavior were assessed. A food dispenser was presented for 4 seconds (SR 1) within a repetitive time cycle, and the food dispenser was presented again after the cycle had elapsed (SR 2). If the pigeon did not approach SR 1; it could then consume SR 2. If, however, the pigeon approached SR 1, the food dispenser was immediately withdrawn, and the SR 2 presentation was cancelled. In Experiment 1, the effects of adding an operandum (e.g., the illumination of a response key) to emit behavior different from approaching the food dispenser on selfcontrolled behavior were tested; in Experiment 2, a discriminative stimulus for not approaching to SR 1 presentation and its spatial location were also manipulated. The number of SR 1 interruptions and the number of added-operandum presentations with at least one key peck varied within and between subjects in Experiment 1. To increase the discriminability of the stimulus and its spatial location (Experiment 2) resulted in a low number of SR 1 interruptions. The effectiveness of adding an operandum to do anything else except taking SR 1 or presenting a discriminative stimulus to facilitate the occurrence of self-controlled behavior (not approaching to the food dispenser) depends on their spatial location and discriminability

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