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Resumen de Cambios en la relación médico-paciente y nivel de satisfacción de los médicos

María Luz Bascuñán R.

  • Background: Physician-patient relationship is the basis of clinical practice. In the last decades, the changes in this relationship have influenced the degree of satisfaction of physicians with their practice. Aim: To explore the perception of physicians about changes in physician-patient relationship and its impact in their personal and professional satisfaction. Material and methods: Qualitative study involving 44 physicians from the Metropolitan Region of Chile. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were used. Results: All physicians mentioned changes on physician-patient reltionship as one of the most important factors that has impact on their satisfaction. The main cause for the deterioration of this relationship is a generalized climate of distrust that leads to frustration and disenchantment with the profession. Conclusions: This feeling is in accordance with other reports showing that patients are progressively acquiring more protagonism in health care decisions. The reconstruction of the bond between patients physicians within these new scenarios is indispensable to improve the degree of satisfaction of both patients and professionals (Rev Méd Chile 2005; 133: 11-6)

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