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Resumen de Síntomas óticos referidos en desórdenes temporomandibulares. Relación con músculos masticatorios

Luis Miguel Ramírez, Luis Ernesto Ballesteros, Germán Pablo Sandoval

  • Middle ear muscles have a common embryological and functional origin with masticatory and facial muscles. Therefore, symptoms referred to the ear may originate from the stomatognathic area. When a primary otológica! cause is discarded in the diagnostic work up for tinnitus, vertigo, hypoacousia, hyperacousia, ear pain or sensation of occluded ear, a temporomandibular joint dysfunction may be the cause of these symptoms. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is twice more common among women and has environmental, physiological and behavioral causes. Among patients with this dysfunction, the prevalence of ear pain, tinnitus and dizziness varies between 33 and 76%

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