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Resumen de Sarcoma de Kaposi clásico ganglionar: Comunicación de tres casos

Salim Mohanna, Juvenal Sánchez Lihón, Juan Carlos Ferrufino, Francisco Bravo P, Eduardo Gotuzzo

  • Classic Kaposi s sarcoma (KS) affects lower extremities in older adults, showing a progressive, benign course. It can also involve oral mucosa and gastrointestinal tract with a lower frequency. The involvement of internal organs and lymph nodes is rare, and its primary compromise is even more uncommon. We report an unusual presentation of classic KS in the lymph nodes of three patients. A 46 years old male had a primary involvement of an inguinal lymph node. Dermal involvement appeared one year later. A 58years old male and a 76years old female with simultaneous dermal and lymph node involvement. We conclude that the presence of classic KS in our region is more common than previously considered. Moreover, it must be emphasized that KS in lymph nodes can affect HIV-negative patients or patients without any associated immune deficiency

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