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Resumen de Etiología de la pudrición radicular del maracuyá amarillo Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Degener

Jairo Bedoya L., Oscar Medina L., Rubén Darío Zárate Reyes, Rodrigo Torres

  • español

    La enfermedad en el campo se reconoció con base en los síntomas descritos en la literatura. A partir de muestras de tejido vegetal y suelose realizaron aislamientos en diferentes medios y se obtuvo constantemente un hongo del género Fusarium, el cual se inoculó, utilizando tres métodos, en plantas sanas. Se reprodujeron los sintomas característicos de la enfermedad que concuerdan con la sintomatologia observada en el campo, quedando confirmado que el organismo causal de la pudrición radicular es Fusarium oxysporum Shlecht.

  • English

    According to the symptoms described in many books a recognition of the disease was made in the field. Different samples were taken of this material and were isolated in various mediums constantly obtaining a fungus pertaining to the genus Fusarium. It was obtained from plant tissues and soil and was inoculated using three methods, in healthy plants of yellow passion fruit. The characteristic symptoms of the disease appeared in the inoculated plants. These were the same as those observed in the field, which confirms that the organism that causes the rottening of the radicle is the fungus Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht.

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