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Resumen de Eficacia de los hipoglicemiantes orales en el control metabólico de pacientes con diabetes mellitus gestacional

Enrique Valdés R, Emiliano Soto-Chacón, Rodolfo Lahsen, Carlos Barrera H, Paula Candía P

  • Gestational Diabetes is characterized by different degrees of glucose intolerance that produce a series of fetal and perinatal alterations. Duríng many years, in those cases of gestational diabetes that did not respond to nutritional interventions, the use of insulin was a proven treatment to achieve metabolic control and thus a better perinatal outcome. At present, some new oral hypoglycemic drugs, from the family of sulfonylureas and biguanides, have been shown to be safe, of low cost, and apparently effective in the metabolic control of this disease. We review the publications that propose the use of oral hypoglycemic drugs for the metabolic control of gestational diabetes that does not respond to nutritional measures

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