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Resumen de Factores psicobiológicos en vitiligo infantil: Posible rol en su génesis e impacto en la calidad de vida

Rodrigo Schwartz, Juan Enrique Sepúlveda, Teresa Quintana

  • Background: The exposure to stressing situations may play a role in the appearance of vitiligo. Patients with the disease have a greater sensitivity to environmental stress and a lower threshold to generate catecholamine mediated responses. Aim: To evaluate the temperament and character of patients with vitiligo and explore the relationship of the disease with negative life events and life quality impairment. Material and methods: The study population were 21 patients with vitiligo aged 5 to 12years, and two control groups (Gl and G2). Gl was composed by 14 healthy siblings of vitiligo patients. G2 was composed by 21 age and gender matched healthy students from two schools in Santiago, Chile. The Júnior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI), the Qualitative Psychosocial Development Survey (QPDS), the Life Event Checklist (LEC) and the Childrens Life Quality índex (CDLQI) were applied (LEC only to vitiligo patients). Resulte: On the temperament dimensions, vitiligo patients scoredhigh on the "harm avoidance" scale in comparison to G2 (13.7 v/s 10.6). Compared with Gl, QPDS showed in vitiligo patients a higher frequency offear to strangers (71% and 36%, respectively) and a predominant feeling offear and shyness in response to changes in a cióse relative (80% and 8%, respectively). There was a negatíve correlation (protective factor) between the character dimensión "self-directedness" and CDLQI score (r =-0.703). Conclusions: In this group of patients, we found a possible relationship between a specific temperament dimensión, vitiligo and its impact on life quality.

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