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Resumen de Hiperandrogenismo avanzado en una mujer postmenopáusica: Caso clínico

Patricio Salman M, Mauricio Cuello F, Marianne Kolbach Rengifo, Roger Gejman, Eugenio Arteaga U

  • We report a 76-year-old woman with a virilization syndrome characterized by progressive androgenic alopecia, clitoris enlargement and hirsutism predominating in the face. Plasma testosterone was 711 ng/dl. Magnetic resonance imaging showed slightly enlarged ovaries with a cyst in the left. A bilateral oophorectomy was performed, demonstrating the presence of a Leydig cell hilar tumor in the right ovary. The patient had a good postoperative evolution with reduction of androgen levels and reversion of alopecia.

Fundación Dialnet

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