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Resumen de Síndrome carcinoide y compromiso valvular cardiaco, a propósito de 2 casos

Alejandro Paredes, Martín Valdebenito, Luigi Gabrielli, Pablo Castro, Ricardo Zalaquett

  • Carcinoid is a rare neuroendocrine tumor typically arising in the gastrointestinal tract that can cause heart valve involvement. We report two patients with carcinoid syndrome and tricuspid/pulmonary valve lesions. A 33-year-old male presenting with fatigue and weight loss: A tumor in the tail of the pancreas was found on an abdominal CAT scan. The percutaneous biopsy was informed as a carcinoid tumor. A trans-esophageal echocardiogram showed a tricuspid and pulmonary valve involvement, which was replaced surgically. The biopsy informed an extensive fibrous and myxoid degeneration of the valves. A 35-year-old male with a carcinoid syndrome and cardiac failure: An echocardiogram showed a severe tricuspid stenosis and severe pulmonary regurgitation. The patient was subjected to a double surgical valve replacement. The pathology report of the excised valve showed a deforming fibrous and myxoid valvulopathy.

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