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Resumen de Producción artesanal del rotífero Philodina sp. y de algas para la alimentación de post-larvas de bocachico

Victoria Eugenia Quintero P, Ana María Cardona, Juan Felipe Grisales Mejía

  • español

    El cultivo de algas mixtas se realizó en el Instituto de Piscicultura Tropical de la Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca (Buga 25 °C y 969 m.s.n.m.) utilizando fertilizantes inorgánicos en baldes plásticos, se produjeron en promedio 386 x 103 células/ml de cultivo. En el cultivo de Philodina en frascos de vidrio alimentado con algas y levadura, se obtuvieron 410 rotíferos/ml de cultivo. Se evaluaron tres tratamientos: rotíferos enriquecidos con aceite de pescado; rotíferos más algas (Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Pediastrum, Spyrogira y Anabaena) y Artemia salina + Spirulina, usando 100 post-larvas de bocachico/acuario, alimentadas dos veces al día según biomasa sembrada. El mayor porcentaje de sobrevivencia, peso y talla se obtuvo con el alimento constituido por rotíferos enriquecidos con aceite de pescado (93 %,3.2mg, 6.86mm)), seguido de rotíferos + algas (80.67 %,2 mg, 6.1mm) y Artemia+ Spirulina (60.6 %,1.6mg, 6.06mm) respectivamente

  • English

    In the Tropical Piscicultural Institute of the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Buga, Cauca, Valley, Colombia (25°C temperature, 969 m a s l,) a research was carried out with the objective to produce and use algaes and rotifers (living food) cultures to feed bocachico post-larvas (Prochilodus reticulatus magdalenae). A complete random design with three treatments and three repetitions was established. 100 bocachico/aquarium post larva were used and fed twice a day according to sown biomass. The cultures of mixed algaes were established by using inorganic fertilizers produced in plastic pails and obtaining an average of 386 x 103 cells/ml of culture. On the other hand, the cultures of Philodina rotifers were established in glass bottles and feeding them with algaes and yeast. An average of 410 rotifers/ml of culturing was obtained . To evaluate the highest rate of survival, growing and weight of bocachico post-larvas, three kind of food were used: Rotifers enriched with fish oil; rotifers plus algaes (Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Pediastrum, Spyrogina and Anabaena) and only Artemia salina and Spirulina. The highest survival, weight and size percentage was obtained with food formed of rotifers enriched with fish oil (93% 3.2mg, 6.86mm) respectively, followed by rotifers + algaes (80.67%, 2mg, 6.1mm) and Artemia + Spirulina (60.6%, 1.6mg, 6.06mm).

Fundación Dialnet

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