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Eventos hidroclimáticos extremos que afectan al embalse Daule-Peripa (Costa de Ecuador) – Dinámica histórica y teleconexiones.

  • Autores: Dirk Thielen Engelbertz, Paolo Ramoni-Perazzi, Marco Antonio Márquez Linares, José Quintero Delgado, Irma Alejandra Soto Werschitz, Wilmer Rojas Carhuamaca, Kai Thielen, Mary Puche Cárdenas
  • Localización: Revista de Climatología, ISSN-e 1578-8768, Nº. 21, 2021, págs. 127-145
  • Idioma: español
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • español

      Existe una necesidad urgente de mejorar la previsión y el seguimiento de la disponibilidad de agua para las actividades humanas en respuesta al cambio climático acelerado. Más recientemente, dicha planificación se encuentra bajo una gran presión debido a la pandemia de la enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) y una creciente demanda de un suministro confiable de agua limpia para el saneamiento. El presente estudio analiza la dinámica espacial y temporal de las precipitaciones como respuesta a eventos hidroclimatológicos extremos muy característicos que han afectado históricamente la cuenca del embalse Daule-Peripa (Costa de Ecuador), y analiza los resultados en términos de tendencias previsibles de la Temperatura Superficial de Mar (SST).

    • English

      An urgent need exists for improved water availability forecasting and monitoring for human activities in response to accelerating climate change. More recently, such planning is under great deal of pressure due to Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and an increasing demand of a reliable provision of clean water for sanitation. The present study analyses spatial and temporal precipitation dynamics as response to very distinctive extreme hydroclimatological events historically affecting the Daule-Peripa Reservoir located in Coast of Ecuador, one of the most climatic vulnerable regions from the Pacific coast of South America, and analyzing the results in terms of foreseeable SST trends. The present study predicts severe and prolonged droughts for the Daule-Peripa Reservoir triggered by a significant warming trend of SSTs occurring in the northern Hemisphere oceanic regions (eg. North Pacific, North Atlantic and the Caribbean Sea). The results provide solid and opportune evidence that can be used at different decision-making levels for identifying, in the context of global climate change scenarios, the most appropriate management practices for the Daule-Peripa Reservoir, information most strategic considering that this reservoir is expected to provide the water related services to a region which population has proven to be at greatest risk from one of the worst pandemics known by humankind in modern times, the COVID-19 pandemic.

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