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Resumen de Os Ismailis Lusófonos, os Aga Khan e Portugal: mais de um século de história (Sec xix-xxi)

Nicole Khouri, Joana Pereira Leite

  • español

    A comemoração do sexagésimo aniversário da subida ao Imamato de Aga Khan IV, sua Alteza o Príncipe Karim al Husseini, chefe espiritual dos ismailis atualmente dispersos em mais de 25 países, constitui momento particular, sobretudo para os seus fiéis estabelecidos em Portugal e em Espanha. Se as relações recentes do seu Imam com o governo português merecem plenamente ser evocadas, importa recuar a mais de um século e trazer à memória quer a história da comunidade ismaili então instalada em Moçambique, quer a dos laços que os Aga Khans III e IV teceram com o Império português nas duas margens do oceano Índico.

  • English

    The commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the rise to the Imamate of Aga Khan IV, His Highness Prince Karim al Husseini, is a moment of particular significance for Ismailis worldwide, especially for those living in Portugal and Spain. While it is important to underline the recent and highly significant developments with regards to the relations between the current Imam and the Portuguese state, much can be gained from providing an historical perspective on this matter. This paper aims to contribute to such endeavour, by analysing both the stablishment of ties between Aga Khans III and IV and the Portuguese Empire on both sides of the Indian Ocean, as well as by examining the history of the Ismaili community then installed in Mozambique.

  • français

    La commémoration en 2018 du soixantième anniversaire de l’accession à l’Imamat de Aga Khan IV, son Altesse Prince Karim al Husseini, chef spirituel des Ismailis vivant dans plus de 25 pays, a constitué un moment particulier, surtout pour ses fidèles établis au Portugal et en Espagne. Si les relations récentes de leur Imam avec le gouvernement portugais méritent pleinement d’être évoquées, il faut remonter en arrière à plus d’un siècle et rappeler à la fois l’histoire de la communauté ismaili alors installée au Mozambique, et les liens établis par les Aga Khan III et IV avec l’Empire portugais.

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