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Resumen de Contribution des avocats et conseils au règlement des différends internationaux: étude à la lumière de la pratique devant la Cour internationale de Justice et le Tribunal international du droit de la mer

Andreas R. Ziegler, Rimdolmsom Jonathan Kabré

  • This article discusses the question of whether the action of private lawyers contributes or hinders the peaceful resolution of international disputes. It starts with the definition of this specific category of actors (advocates and counsel) and the legal framework in which they operate. Using the jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, the article then examines the challenges encountered by advocates and counsel as well as the problems raised by their presence in international litigation. The article goes further to discuss reforms that can improve the legitimacy of these lawyers and enable better action in the peaceful resolution of international disputes.

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