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Resumen de Países de industrialização recente e subdesenvolvimento: um diálogo entre os pensamentos de Celso Furtado e Ha-Joon Chang

Simone Rui Martins da Cruz

  • português

    As discussões em torno dos caminhos para o desenvolvimento são, tradicionalmente, orientadas a partir do ponto de vista de países desenvolvidos e na maioria das vezes não atende às necessidades reais dos países de industrialização recente. É neste sentido que este artigo pretende discutir dois autores de enorme contribuição às teorias do desenvolvimento a partir da perspectiva de países de industrialização recente.

  • English

    Discussions about the paths to development are traditionally oriented from the point of view of developed countries and most often do not meet the real needs of countries of recent industrialization. It is in this sense that this article in tends to discuss two author so enormous contribution to development the theories from the perspectives of countries of recent industrialization. The first of thesis Celso Furtado, one of the most renowned economists in the history of the Brazilian economy, a pioneer in his nationalistic development list propositions and of great contribution to the development of Latin American economic thought. The second authors Ha-Joon Chang, a contemporary author who also approaches development from the point of view of the countries of recent industrialization, rigorously criticizes neoliberalism and the free market, and defends the industrial economic system as a response to overcoming the under development. Both authors have many points in common and providing the dialogue between the thinking of the set wo authors is the central goal of this article. By establishing a parallel between Chang and Furtado, we can see that it is possible for countries of recent industrialization to achieve the desired economic development, but that it cannot be achieved through neoliberal mean encouraged by developed countries.

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