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Resumen de EAEko mendiko erreskate taldearen sasoi fisikoa

Aitor Pinedo Jauregi, Jon Mikel Picabea Arburu

  • euskara

    Azken urteetan mendi erreskateek gorakada izan dute, erreskate taldeen lana handituz. Erreskate taldeen prestaketa fisikoa ezinbestekoa da larrialdiei aurre egiteko. Gaur egun, mendiko erreskatatzailei buruzko ikerketak urriak dira. Horregatik ikerketa honen helburua erreskatatzaileen egoera fisikoa aztertzea da: Burututako testen emaitzen ondorioz aipatzekoa da aztertutako erreskate taldeak egoera fisiko ona daukala. Baina, ikerketa gehiago behar dira mendiko erreskatatzaileen inguruko informazioa handitzeko

  • English

    In recent years, mountain rescues have increased, leading to a higher demand of the rescue teams. The physical performance of rescuers is considered essential for dealing with the emergency. Nowadays, research on mountain rescuers is scarce. The purpose of this investigation is to study the physical condition ofmountain rescuers. As a result of the tests, it should be noted that the rescuers that took part in this study are in a good physical condition. More research is needed to increase the information about mountain rescuers.

Fundación Dialnet

Dialnet Plus

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