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Resumen de Os inicios do fútbol nos concellos de Ourense e Canedo (1907-1918)

Damián Xabier Domínguez Fernández

  • galego

    Neste artigo buscamos as raíces do fútbol na cidade de Ourense1 nos principios do século XX. Analizamos as primeiras sociedades futbolísticas das dúas primeiras décadas do século, desentrañando as súas rivalidades. Intentamos descubrir a orixe social e a ideoloxía dos dirixentes dos principais clubs destes momentos iniciais do fútbol ourensán. Este traballo céntrase máis na historia social deste deporte que nos simples resultados deportivos.

  • English

    In this article we try to look for the origins of football in the city of Ourense at the beginning of the 20th century. We analyse the first football societies in the two first decades of the century, unvaveling their rivalries. We also try to discover both the social and ideological backgrounds of the main team leaders during the beginning of football in the city. This paper focuses more on the social history rather than on the sports results.

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