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Resumen de Examining human resource factors influencing analytical decision making and organizational effectiveness in technology driven companies

Sandhya Kalale Srinivas, Arti Arun Kumar, Santosh Basavaraj, Kumar Chandar Sivalingam

  • Purpose: The primary objective of this research is to analyze and examine the factors contributing to the issues in analytical decision-making in large technology-driven Indian organizations.

      Theoretical Framework: The study aims to develop an 'analytical organizational effectiveness model' and 'analytical transformation theory' for technology-driven industries.

      Design/Methodology/Approaches: The study adopted a mixed methodology research design using systematic literature review (SLR), exploratory research, expert interviews and quantitative techniques to identify key variables of the study.

      Findings: The SLR validated the proposed conceptual model and found that human resource factors influence analytical decision-making and organizational effectiveness.

      Research Practical Social Implication: The study provides actionable insights for organizations aiming to enhance decision-making processes. This research advances analytical transformation theory by exploring and identifying key factors influencing organizational analytical transformation. This study emphasizes the human dimension in successful analytical implementation. Developing an 'analytical organizational effectiveness model' for technology-driven industries represents a significant theoretical contribution, offering a structured framework for understanding and assessing analytics within specific organizational contexts.

      Originality/Value: This study is more relevant and practically applied to organizations lagging in decision-making and facing a competitive advantage.

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