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Resumen de O papel das Relações Públicas e da Comunicação na inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nas organizações: uma revisão sistemática

Guilherme Ferreira de Oliveira, José Roberto Escarabello Junior, Suely Maciel

  • English

    The inclusion of people with disabilities in organizations is a unique topic today, especially with the growing attention given to discussions on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I). Although these issues are currently debated, the issue of diversity of bodies and minds, which concerns people with disabilities, has less visibility. Discussions that consider individuals with disabilities as subjects that make up the characterization of human diversity can be found in areas such as Administration, Education, Entertainment, Law and Psychology. However, the absence of the theme in Communication, specifically in the academic and professional field of Public Relations, is noticeable. This professional is responsible for communication between organizations and their most varied stakeholders, including the internal public, that is, employees. These, in turn, may be people with disabilities living in a context of exclusion. Furthermore, Public Relations is understood as an area that, from a social perspective, considers the diversity of interests in relationships and has both a tactical/operational and reflexive role, necessary in modernity. Therefore, this work aims to understand the role of Public Relations and Communication in the inclusion of people with disabilities in organizations, based on the identification and systematization of the approach to this topic in the scientific literature in the area, produced in the last ten years. A bibliographical research was conducted, with a qualitative approach and exploratory-descriptive character. The research technique used was systematic literature review. Initially, a volume of 876 works was collected. Based on the filters applied and the suitability to the theme, a corpus of 20 works was selected from Google Scholar, Scielo and the Capes Periodicals Portal. The selected works are articles published in scientific journals (n=11) and papers presented at conferences (n=9). A considerable frequency of the same Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and authors is not identified. In relation to the methodologies used in the studies, most works adopt a qualitative approach and opt for methods and techniques such as bibliographical research with literature review, in-depth interviews and application of questionnaires. It is clear that scientific production on the role of communication for the inclusion of people with disabilities in organizations is not consolidated in the area of Communication, on the contrary, it is widespread in other areas such as Administration, Management, Human Resources, etc. and, when discussed by Communication authors, it is found in conferences/congresses, as incipient works. The results indicate little mention of Communication and/or Public Relations, however, it is possible to establish a relationship with the roles designated as essential for inclusion with essentially communication and relationship management functions and activities. They are: 1) establishing dialogue to deconstruct stigmas and prejudices against people with disabilities; 2) strategic management of internal communication and how communication processes take place; 3) consideration of accessibility and the use of accessibility features in internal communication channels and fluxes, mainly adaptations and availability of alternative formats of audiovisual products; 4) construction of an inclusive corporate culture, based on the construction and circulation of possible new imaginaries about disability in the workplace.

  • português

    A inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nas organizações é temática ímpar na atualidade, especialmente com a crescente atenção dada às discussões de Diversidade, Equidade e Inclusão. O debate encontra-se em áreas como a Administração, o Direito e a Psicologia. Entretanto, percebe-se a ausência de discussões na Comunicação, em específico no campo das Relações Públicas. Dessa forma, este trabalho objetiva compreender qual o papel das Relações-Públicas e da Comunicação na inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nas organizações, a partir da identificação e sistematização da abordagem desse tema na literatura científica produzida nos últimos dez anos. Foi analisado um corpus de 20 trabalhos. Os resultados indicam pouca menção à Comunicação e/ou às Relações Públicas, no entanto, é possível estabelecer relação com os papéis designados como essenciais para a inclusão com funções e atividades essencialmente comunicacionais e de gestão de relacionamentos. São eles: estabelecimento de diálogo para a desconstrução de estigmas; gestão estratégica da comunicação interna; consideração da acessibilidade nos canais de comunicação; construção de cultura corporativa inclusiva.

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