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Resumen de Impactos de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en la cultura política y la sociedad argentina: El caso de la agrupación forja ante el golpe de 1943

Gonzalo Rubio García

  • español

    El impacto de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en el escenario político y cultural de la Argentina fue trascendental en los años cuarenta, ya que condujo el destino institucional del país, y modeló las estrategias seguidas en política internacional por el Poder Ejecutivo, logrando permear las importantes elecciones de 1946 que llevaron a Juan Domingo Perón hacia la presidencia. En este trabajo proponemos un acercamiento a las posturas políticas e intelectuales de la Argentina en los primeros años de la década de 1940, especialmente las que defendió la agrupación FORJA sobre el gobierno formado con posterioridad al golpe militar del 4 de junio de 1943. Analizaremos sus posiciones respecto a los diferentes grupos políticos -sobre todo en relación a los distintos sectores del nacionalismo-, así como también sus propuestas para influir en las decisiones gubernamentales. También consideraremos los choques producidos entre las agrupaciones cercanas a los Aliados y los sectores nacionalistas, ya que nos permitirán adentrarnos en las ideas que circulaban entre los intelectuales argentinos en el contexto de la contienda bélica. Para ello haremos un abordaje desde los conceptos utilizados por la historia intelectual de la guerra, un enfoque que analiza la recepción, interpretación y circulación de ideas entre los intelectuales en un contexto bélico. Como observaremos a continuación, el panorama político se complejizó como consecuencia de la guerra, reubicando a distintos intelectuales en diferentes espacios partidarios. Para la investigación utilizaremos algunos periódicos forjistas, ubicados en el Archivo Darío Alessandro de la Biblioteca Nacional Mariano Moreno, en los que quedaron plasmadas sus ideas respecto al conflicto bélico y las disposiciones que implantó el gobierno. Además emplearemos distintas obras literarias del autor nacionalista Manuel Gálvez sobre la época, buscando exponer el apoyo brindado por FORJA al gobierno de la época y el tibio recibimiento que los militares dieron a las iniciativas de la agrupación.

  • English

    The impact of the Second World War on the political and cultural scene in Argentina was transcendental in the 1940s, as it shaped the institutional destiny of the country and the strategies followed in international politics by the Executive Power, and permeated the important elections of 1946 that brought Juan Domingo Perón to the presidency. In this paper we propose an approach to the political and intellectual positions of Argentina in the early 1940s, especially those defended by the FORJA group on the government formed after the military coup of 4 June 1943. We will analyze their positions with respect to the different political groups - especially in relation to the different sectors of nationalism - as well as their proposals for influencing government decisions. We will also consider the clashes between the groups close to the Allies and the nationalist sectors, as they will allow us to delve into the ideas that circulated among Argentine intellectuals in the context of the war. In order to do so, we will use the concepts used in the intellectual history of the war, an approach that analyses the reception, interpretation and circulation of ideas among intellectuals in a war context. As we shall see below, the political panorama became more complex as a result of the war, relocating different intellectuals to different party spaces. For our research we will use some forjista newspapers, located in the Darío Alessandro Archive of the Mariano Moreno National Library, in which their ideas about the war and the provisions implemented by the government are reflected. We will also use various literary works of the nationalist author Manuel Gálvez about the period, seeking to expose the support given by FORJA to the government of the time and the lukewarm reception given by the military to the group's initiatives.

  • português

    The impact of the Second World War on both political and cultural scene of Argentina was definitely transcendental for those times, since it ended up leading the institutional destiny of the country and finally shaped the strategies carried out, over the international affairs area, by the Executive Power throughout the 1940s. By standing on the corresponding conceptualizations from the intellectual history discipline, we will go through the exact positions defended by the yrigoyenian group ‘’FORJA’’, with respect to the government consolidation after the military coup that took place in Argentina on June 4, 1943. So as to fulfill the respective methodological standards, we will utilize some historical newspapers by FORJA, located in the Darío Alessandro Archive from the Mariano Moreno National Library, in which the political group expressed its ideas regarding the war conflict and the consequent measures that the Argentinian military government implemented. In addition, we will analyze different literary works in which many symbolical constructions were made about those times, attempting to expose the support provided by FORJA and the reluctant reception by the military cadres in response to the group's main initiatives. Parallelly, we will try to analyze the cultural images made by the Argentinian society of the time, which wound up divided into allydophiles and fascists, although the political panorama was actually taking place in a more complex way. We will contextualize the writing considering the impact of the war in Argentina’s cultural and social everyday life, by analyzing the respective actions from some of the different groups that gained importance at that time, such as the Investigation Commission of Anti-Argentinian Activities (1941-1943), the ‘’Junta de la Victoria’’ and the Argentinian Union of Women, in order to be able to carry out a reliable construction of the ideas in dispute, over the war, within the country in question.

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