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Resumen de Construcción y validación de un cuestionario para evaluar calidad de vida universitaria en estudiantes chilenos

Zayra Antúnez, Diego Aroca, Tamara Otzen Hernández

  • español

    En los países en vías de desarrollo, la calidad de la educación superior tiene un rol fundamental. Por ello, es relevante abordar y potenciar otras áreas que influyen también en la educación, como la calidad de vida universitaria (CVU), que implica la satisfacción de los estudiantes sobre su experiencia de vida en la universidad. Dado que no existen instrumentos creados en el contexto chileno que permitan verificar la CVU, el presente estudio tuvo como objetivo la construcción y validación de un cuestionario para evaluar la CVU en esta población, de acuerdo con la satisfacción en los aspectos académicos, administrativos, de instalaciones, sociales, deportivos, de bienestar estudiantil y de diversidad. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa – cuantitativa, no experimental y de alcance descriptivo transversal. En el proceso de construcción se realizaron grupos focales, validación por expertos y una prueba piloto. El cuestionario construido fue aplicado a 1825 estudiantes de diversas carreras y cursos por medio de la plataforma virtual de la universidad. Se verificó su estructura factorial a través de análisis factorial exploratorio y confirmatorio, utilizando una segunda muestra independiente. Los resultados indican que el cuestionario de CVU tiene propiedades psicométricas satisfactorias y presenta siete factores que explican un 45.5 % de la varianza total, y que es un instrumento confiable y válido para medir CVU. Se espera que el mismo aporte a la medición de los aspectos que intervienen en la CVU de los estudiantes chilenos y que la información recabada permita generar estrategias preventivas y dar mejores respuestas a sus necesidades.

  • English

    In developing countries, the quality of higher education is essential, as this would allow to achieve a good job and therefore, opt for greater well-being and quality of life. As a consequence, education centers have begun to generate greater openness to respond to the progressive demand for training and the number of university students has grown exponentially. This growing admission of students to higher education, makes preventive and health measures increasingly necessary in these institutions, since they have a direct impact on this sector of the population and as a consequence, on society. In this context, the Quality of College Life (QCL) has gained importance, understanding this as the levels of satisfaction https://doi.org/10.16888/interd.2023.40.3.8 Cuestionario de calidad de vida universitaria of the students about their life experience at the university. Given the particularities of the local university context and that there are no adapted or validated instruments that allow to verify the QCL, the present study aimed at the construction and validation of an instrument that allows evaluating the QCL of Chilean university students, according to their satisfaction with the academic, administrative, facilities, social, sports, student welfare and diversity aspects. The methodology used was qualitative-quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional in scope. In the first stage of the construction process, focus groups were held, which allowed various categories of meaning to emerge through content analysis. In this way, a first version of the questionnaire was constructed, which was subsequently subjected to validation by experts and a pilot test. After this, the constructed questionnaire was refined and applied to 1825 students from various careers and courses through the University's virtual platform. The young people who responded, first accepted an informed consent, in which the objectives of the research were explained, that this had the approval of the accredited ethics committee of the region, that the results are treated anonymously and that their response is voluntary, and that they could stop responding at any time, if they so wished. Once the results were obtained, quantitative analyzes were carried out, which included reliability, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The latter made it possible to verify the factorial structure of the questionnaire, using a second independent sample. The results indicate that the QCL questionnaire presents adequate internal consistency and satisfactory psychometric properties, presenting 7 factors that explain 45.5 % of the total variance, being a reliable and valid instrument to measure QCL. Our questionnaire has more factors than others, but this could be due to existing cultural differences, in addition to differences in construction procedures. In our research, the focus groups were applied to the different university campuses to avoid territorial bias, and the sample consisted of students from different careers. These made it possible to detect relevant aspects for our university, regional https://doi.org/10.16888/interd.2023.40.3.8 Cuestionario de calidad de vida universitaria and national context, which did not emerge in other similar investigations. Our students showed a notorious concern for mental health and student welfare services offered by the university, for aspects related to inclusion of students with disabilities and in relation to diversity. All the aforementioned differences may have influenced the fact that in the factorial analyzes it was necessary to use seven factors to include both, at the content level, the most relevant aspects for the students of the study university, as well as the amount of factors necessary to cover the highest percentage possible. of the total variance explained.

    Undoubtedly, this work can be improved, but it is hoped that this instrument contributes to the measurement of the aspects that intervene in the QCL of Chilean students and that the information collected will allow the generation of preventive strategies and provide greater responses to their needs.

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