La depresión constituye hoy la principal causa de morbilidad y discapacidad entre adolescentes, y el suicidio, la tercera causa de defunción en el mundo. Se propuso describir características de una población adolescente escolarizada con antecedentes de intento de suicidio. Estudio transversal, descriptivo y retrospectivo. Se empleó una base de datos de adolescentes de 56 colegios públicos y privados. Muestreo probabilístico; cuestionario auto-administrado, estructurado y anónimo. La información fue cargada en planilla electrónica de Excel, analizada con SPSS 15.0-IBM. Del total de la población (661), 16,6%(110) manifestó que intentó quitarse la vida, 46,4% (51) era de sexo masculino y 53,6% (59) femenino. El 20,2% (22) tenía de 12 a 14 años, 61,7% (68) de 15 a 17 y 17,2% (19) 18 años y más. Cursaba la Educación Escolar Básica el 49,1% (54) y 50% (55) el Bachillerato. Pertenecía a colegios públicos el 61,8% (68) y 30,9%(34) a privados. Vivía con los padres el 67,3% (74). De los adolescentes que intentaron suicidarse alguna vez, 53,6% (59) pertenecen al sexo femenino y 46,4% (51) al masculino. Un 39,1% (43) tenía familiar con intento de suicidio. Respondió en primera consulta que sufrió abuso sexual el 11,8% (13) y 38,2% (42) cuando se reiteró la pregunta. Consultó alguna vez por problemas emocionales el 19,1% (21). Se encontró una correlación significativa entre haber sufrido abuso sexual e intento de suicidio (p=0,000). Se evidenciaron situaciones graves de trastornos de salud mental sin ser detectadas institucionalmente como oportunidad para intervenir y evitar muertes adolescentes.
Depression is the leading cause of morbidity and disability among adolescents and suicide is the third cause of death in the world. To describe characteristics of a population of school adolescents with suicide attempt. Cross-sectional descriptive and retrospective study with probabilistic sampling. Data base of adolescents from 56 public and private schools. Three-staged probabilistic sampling. A self-administered structured and anonymous questionnaire was applied with previous authorization. To know their level of satisfaction with aspects of their lives, the Plan of Action on Health and Development of Adolescents and Youth in the Americas of WHO/PAHO was used. The information was loaded in Excel and analyzed by SPSS. Total population (661), 16.6% (110) stated that they tried to kill themselves, 46.4% (51) were men and 53.6% (59) women. 20.2% (22) of the students were between 12 and 14 years old, 61.7% (68) between 15 and 17, 17.2% (19) were 18 years old or more. 59.1% (54) were in Middle School and 50% (55) in High School. 51.8% (68) were in public schools and 30.9% (34) in private ones. 67.3% (74) lived with their parents, 23.6% (26) worked at the time of the study and 39.1% (43) had a relative with suicide attempt. 11.8% (13) referred that they suffered sexual abuse 38.2% (42) the first time they were asked and 38.2% when the question was repeated. 19.1% (21) ever consulted for emotional problems. There’s a significant correlation between having suffered sexual abuse and suicide attempt (p=0,000). Severe situations of mental health disorders were evidenced without being detected institutionally as an opportunity to intervene and avoid adolescent deaths.
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