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Resumen de Evaluación del proceso de digitalización de un centro educativo de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura

Isabel Cerezo Cortijo

  • Education systems, at all levels, must take up the challenge of preparing students for their fullintegration into an increasingly technological society. The digital competences of teachers are a key variablefor integrating technology into the teaching and learning process. This research evaluates this process in anearly childhood and primary school in the Autonomous Community of Extremadura during the 2022-2023academic year. The sample consisted of 30 pre-school and primary school teachers and was selected by meansof a non-probabilistic convenience sample. The instrument used for data collection was the Selfie for teachersquestionnaire. This instrument is composed of 32 items representing the 6 areas and 22 competences of the European framework DigCompEdu. The research was carried out as a single case study using a phenomenological approach. The main purpose was to determine the external factors that have an impact on the improvementof teachers’ digital competence and the implementation of innovative methodologies with digital resources inthe classroom. The results of the research show that the exogenous factors that enable the digitisation processthat is taking place in the educational centre under investigation are technical assistance for situations in whichproblems arise with digital technologies and the availability of technological devices for use in the classroom.However, teachers do not have time during school hours to explore how to improve their teaching methodswith digital technologies.

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