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Resumen de Extradition and life imprisonment. An analysis of the ECHR decision in the case Sanchez-Sanchez v. the United Kingdom

David Soto-Díaz

  • English

    This commentary analyses the ECtHR judgement in the case Sanchez-Sanchez v. The United Kingdom, where a change of the Court’s case law, simplifying extradition where the requested person may be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole by the competent authorities of the requesting State.

  • galego

    Analízase a sentenza do TEDH no asunto Sánchez-Sánchez contra o Reino Unido, en que se produce un xiro da doutrina anterior do Tribunal, facilitando a extradición en casos en que a persoa solicitada pode ser condenada a cadea perpetua polas autoridades competentes do Estado solicitante.

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