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Resumen de Book review of Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees experiences

Fábio Ribeiro

  • português

    Uma criança, com roupa amarrotada e suja, observa um muro imponente de grades e de arame farpado. Não consegue ultrapassar aquele obstáculo e, por isso, parece resignada. Mesmo sem qualquer legenda, imediatamente nos ocorre que aquela fotografia terá sido captada num qualquer campo de refugiados ou numa zona fronteiriça vedada à circulação de pessoas. E assim se dá o mote à capa do livro Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees’ experiences (2019), de Leen d’Haenens, Willem Joris e François Heinderyckx, que reúne o trabalho de investigadores sobre as implicações dos movimentos migratórios do ponto de vista comunicacional, mediático e sociológico, no contexto europeu...

  • English

    A child, wearing only wrinkled and dirty clothes, stares at a gigantic wall of bars and barbed wire. She seems resigned; the obstacle is too high to climb over. Looking at this picture, no caption is needed. Probably this photograph was taken in a refugee camp or in a border area where the circulation of people is not allowed. This is the book cover of Images of immigrants and refugees in Western Europe is titled. Media representations, public opinion, and refugees’ experiences (2019), written by Leen d’Haenens, Willem Joris and François Heinderyckx, which collects the work of several researchers about the implications of migratory movements from a communicational, media and sociological point of view in the European context...

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