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Resumen de Príncipe ou Sapo? Os estereótipos masculinos em spots brasileiros e portugueses

Simone Freitas

  • Inspired by Queiroz (2007), Garboggini (2005) and Dantas (1997), this article compares the use of male stereotypes in Brazilian and Portuguese television advertising. For a long time, the dominant and conqueror man was used as an ideal standard for advertising, but in recent decades this has been changing: the search for eternal youth and a greater presence in parental care, associated with women, is now part of the male ideal in ads. Using as a model the study of Fonseca (2005), through content analysis methodology, this study was conducted with recordings of television spots during prime time (08 to 11:0 pm), on the TV channel audience leader during the month that corresponds to the Day of the parents in each country. The data analyzed are a part of the author's PhD thesis on the subject of stereotypes in advertising.

Fundación Dialnet

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