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Resumen de From a Peninsular Iberia to Roman Hispania in time of Augustus

Federico Fernández de Buján

  • The year of 2014 marked the 2000th anniversary of the death of Octavian Augustus. During his rule one of the achievements off Pax Augusta of the splendid Rome is the concluded romanization of the lands of Modern Spain. It would be an error to claim that Rome conquered Spain because it cannot be conqured something which does not exist. In reality during two long and cruel centuries different local peoples resistet the Roman legions, but they were not Spanish but turdetans, ilergets, celtibers and other tribes. After the peacemaking during the period of Augustus all these people and cultures are united thanks to the process of Romanization. Rome and its provincial administration create Spain as a notion and as a reality and for a first time in history it ceased to be just topographic term because of its peninsular configuration and started to be a new political unity.

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