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Resumen de Pepa a Loba, a muller que se converteu en lenda

Laura Filloy Martínez

  • galego

    Hai poucas lendas tan famosas e coñecidas en Galicia coma a de Pepa A Loba, unha bandoleira orixinaria da Estrada que naceu no primeiro terzo do século xix. Segundo a tradición oral tivo unha vida tráxica e incluso pasou unha longa tem- pada no cárcere acusada dun asasinato que non cometera. Cando logra escapar convértese en foraxida e capitá dunha banda de ladróns e asaltantes de camiños.

    Segundo algunhas fontes impartía xustiza social; segundo outras, era unha violenta asasina. A súa figura resulta difícil de dilucidar pola falta de fontes documentais e fiables, malia que xa forme parte indiscutible da identidade cultural galega.

  • English

    Ther are few legends as famous and well-known in Galicia as the legend of Pepa A Loba, a bandit from A Estrada who was born in the first third of the 19th century. According to oral tradition, her life was tragic and she was even in prison for a long time because of a murder she had not committed. When she managed to escape, as a fugitive, she became the leader of a gang of muggers. According to some sources, they did social justice work, according to others, they were violent murderers. Her figure is difficult to elucidate due to the lack of reliable documentary sources, despite the fact she is already part of the Galician cultural identity.

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