Leioa, España
Ingurumenaren suntsiketak injustizia larriak eragiten ditu eta, bereziki, planetako biztanle ahulenei erasaten die, neurrigabeko ingurumen-sakrifizioa jasanaraziz. Horregatik, premiazkoa da ingurumen-justiziaren nozioa ulertzea. Eta hori da, hain zuzen ere, artikuluaren muina, zeinak agerian uzten duen sistema juridikoek duten joera ingurumen-eskubideak ezinbesteko baldintzatzat aitortzeko giza eskubideak bete daitezen. Aitortza hori hainbat bidetatik egiten da nazioartean, baina nabarmena da jurisprudentziaren bidez egiteko joera. Horregatik, garrantzitsua da ingurumenjustizia ikuspegi askotarikoak dituen genero edo kontzeptu zabal gisa jorratzea, baita haren alderdi jurisdikzionala aztertzea ere, nazioartean ingurumen-justizia nola definitzen eta interpretatzen den azaltzeko.
Environmental destruction causes serious injustices and particularly affects the most vulnerable inhabitants on the planet, who endure a disproportionate environmental sacrifice. It is therefore urgent to understand the notion of environmental justice. And that is precisely the core of the article, which highlights the tendency of legal systems to recognize environmental rights as a prerequisite for the fulfilment of human rights. This recognition is made at the international level by various means, but there is a clear tendency to do so through jurisprudence. It is therefore important to address environmental justice as a broad genre or concept with multiple perspectives, as well as to explore its jurisdictional aspect, in order to explain how environmental justice is defined and interpreted internationally.
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